Sunday, January 25, 2009

Steve Jobs第一次的大型Demo

1984年1月24日 Steve Jobs第一次公開展示了麥金塔電腦。科技一直在進步,但是Steve Jobs是同一個,把最新的電子產品的demo搞的像魔術秀一樣的男人。原文出自TechCrunch

1/24/2009是麥金塔電腦的25歲生日。發表的時候定價很貴,而且他的滑鼠介面在當時太新潮反而不受歡迎。 不過他慢慢走過25個年頭,現在大家都可以在百貨公司買到麥金塔了。

128 KB RAM, 64 KB ROM, a 3.5" 400 KB floppy drive, a 1-bit 512 x 342 pixel b&w monitor.

定價?? $2499美金 這在當時是天價。
但是 當時的電腦都是天價.........尤其是用滑鼠的新型介面電腦
所以其實Mac 128k 在當時並不算最貴的產品

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Playstation3 firmware 2.6 Hulu supported

I don't know anyone tried to watch hulu on PS3 many times and it just does not work. A company even create a software call "Playon" to solve this issue and trying to sell it.
After every firmware update I always try to connect to and the firmware 2.6 is the first one that worked.

I watched some SNL skit. The Hi-def mode is also supported. Just little lag when the control bars shows up. This might suggest that this firmware is still not fully functional for the task and that might be why Sony was quite about this update. They just say divx support and that new picture album.
I think firmware 2.6 is a great update and I hope they keep adding more video content supports.