Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Google map

View Larger Map
Google map的street view工程車拍到過車禍,裸男
Google map的Street View若是生存了超過一百年

雖然是靜態 不過street view很精準的反應街道上的狀況


Friday, December 18, 2009

Chenglap 大作 新中國

作者 chenglap (無想流流星拳) 看板 DummyHistory
標題 [空想] 新中國
時間 Wed Dec 16 22:39:14 2009

在第二次世界大戰末期, 史大林在路上走過, 被一個河童一個禿頭截住.

兩人: 滿洲國! 滿洲國! 我們的! 我們的!

史大林: 你們想幹甚麼?

兩人繼續推撞: 滿洲國! 滿洲國! 我們的! 我們的!

河童: 我要滿洲國, 延安農業不發達, 必須要有滿洲國!

禿頭: 我要滿洲國, 華東資源太缺乏, 必須要有滿洲國!

兩人繼續吵, 還拉扯斯大林.

斯大林: 不能打仗! 滿洲國好處都有啥? 誰說對了就給他!

河童: 共軍有了滿洲國 不流離 不裁軍 零浪費

禿頭: 民國有了滿洲國 能吸收日本遺下的軍工業

河童: 世界軍火都漲價 共軍有了滿洲國 一師能頂兩師耍

禿頭: 有了滿洲國 飛機年產一千八 中國的軍火 再也不用向
蘇聯進口啦! 哈哈哈!

斯大林(想): 光頭佬 真不傻 滿洲國給了他 對共產主義危害
大 絕不能給他

然後把手放在河童的肩上說: 延安工業不發達, 我們都要支援
他, 滿洲國, 你們國軍別想啦.

光頭佬: 狡猾! 狡猾! 沒有滿洲國, 怎樣打內戰? 滿洲國! 滿

就這樣, 國共內戰就開始了.


基於飲水思源的理念, 還是該打的廣告,
hkday.net --- 碩果僅存還願意和其他地區轉信的香港 BBS

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Nature Photonics Research Highlights~~

名字出現在Nature系列文章 感覺還不錯
呼呼 呼呼


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Open Culture

Open Culture 這個網站上有很多免費的語言學習資源,從聲音到影像的網站都有。排版是用字母順序排語言的順序而且包括了在iTunes上的課程,Podcast, 或是基本網頁。 除了正式課程之外還有許多是業餘的部落客放置的連結,所以比起一直上課要有趣多了。


來源: LifeHacker 

Friday, March 27, 2009


好文有中國的部落客翻譯了 我來幫忙轉成繁體版
歡迎轉錄 只是不要忘了附上來源



LEAP/E2020團隊 2009324



如果在大半年年前您確實懷疑大規模的危機是否會發生,LEAP/E2020團隊在其第二期發表了全球歐洲預測公告?GEAB 2,預測了世界即將進入史無前例的危機的觸發階段。









1. 解決危機的關鍵在於建立一個新的國際儲備貨幣!


美國的美元和經濟已不能支持目前的全球經濟、金融和貨幣秩序。只要這一戰略問題不直接解決,危機就將惡化。實際上這是衍生金融品危機、銀行危機、能源價格危機的核心……這些危機的後果是大規模失業和生活水準的崩潰。因此,這個至關重要的問題應該是20國集團首腦會議的主要議題,並且這是開始解決危機 的第一步。其實解決這一問題的辦法是眾所周知的,即建立一個基於 世界上最大的經濟體相對應的一籃子貨幣形成的國際儲備貨幣(這個貨幣可稱為“global”),這些貨幣籃子包括美元、歐元、日元、人民幣、卡力吉 (Khaleeji,由海灣石油生產國將於20101月推出的單一貨幣)、盧布、裡亞爾…, 該儲備貨幣由世界貨幣研究所管理,研究所董事會的構成將反映經濟體的比重。




2. 儘快建立銀行管制計畫!



3. 讓國際貨幣基金組織來評估美國、英國和瑞士的金融系統!






最後,請允許我們提醒您,您的任務是恢復60億人的信心,以及數以百萬計的公營及私營機構。因此,不要忘了寫一個簡短的聲明-不超過2頁,提出最多 34個關鍵的想法,讓老百姓可以閱讀和理解。如果你沒這樣做,除了一小部分專家,沒有人會理解你所說的。那麼您將無法恢復廣大市民的信任,危機則定會變 得更糟。









Open letter / London G20 Summit: Last chance before global geopolitical dislocation

Open letter to the G20 leaders, published in the Financial Times' worldwide edition on 03/24/2009

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Your next summit takes place in a few days in London; but are you aware that you have less than a semester to prevent the world from plunging into a crisis that will take at least a decade to resolve, accompanied by a whole series of tragedies and ferment? Therefore, this open letter by LEAP/E2020, who saw the arrival of a « global systemic crisis » as early as three years ago, intends to briefly explain why it happened and how to limit further damage.

If indeed you began to suspect the onset of a sizeable crisis less than a year ago, LEAP/E2020, in the second issue of their « Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin » (GEAB N°2), anticipated that the world was about to enter into the « trigger phase » of a crisis of historic proportions. Since then, month after month, LEAP/E2020 has relentlessly continued to produce highly accurate forecasts of the development of this crisis with which the world is now struggling. For this reason, we feel entitled to write you this open letter which we hope will aid you on the choices you will have to make in a few days.

This crisis is getting more and more dangerous. Recently, in the 32nd edition of its Bulletin, LEAP/E2020 raised an alarm of direct concern to you, the leaders of the G20. If, when gathered in London next April 2nd, you are not able to adopt a number of bold and innovative decisions, focused on the essential issues and problems, and to initiate them by summer 2009, then the crisis will entail a « general geopolitical dislocation » by the end of the year, affecting the international system as well as the very structure of large political entities such as the United States, Russia, China or the EU. Any chance for you to control the fate of the 6 billion inhabitants of the world will then be over.

Your choice: a 3- to 5-year crisis or a decade-at-least long crisis?

Until now you have merely been concerned with the symptoms and secondary effects of this crisis because, unfortunately, nothing prepared you to face a crisis of such an historic scale. You thought that adding more oil to the global engine would be enough, unaware of the fact that the engine was broken, with no hope of repair. In fact, a new engine must be built, and time is running out, as the international system deteriorates further each month.

In the case of a major crisis, one must get to the heart of the matter. The only choice is between undertaking a number of radical changes, thus greatly shortening the duration of the crisis and diminishing its tragic outcome or, on the contrary, refusing to make any such changes in an attempt to save what is left of the present system, thus extending the crisis’ duration and increasing all the negative consequences. In London, next April 2nd, you can either pave the way for the crisis to be solved in an organised manner in 3 to 5 years, or drag the world through a terrible decade.

We will content ourselves with giving you three recommendations that we consider strategic ones in the sense that, according to LEAP/E2020, if they have not been initiated by this summer 2009, global geopolitical dislocation will become inevitable from the end of this year onward.


1. The key to solving the crisis lies in creating a new international reserve currency!

The first recommendation is a very simple idea: reform the international monetary system inherited post-wwii and create a new international reserve currency. The US Dollar and economy are no longer capable of supporting the current global economic, financial and monetary order. As long as this strategic problem is not directly addressed and solved, the crisis will grow. Indeed it is at the heart of the crises of derivative financial products, banks, energy prices... and of their consequences in terms of mass unemployment and collapsing living standards. It is therefore of vital importance that this issue should be the main subject of the G20 summit, and that the first steps towards a solution are initiated. In fact, the solution to this problem is well-known, it is about creating an international reserve
currency (which could be called the « Global ») based on a basket of currencies corresponding to the world’s largest economies, i.e. US dollar, Euro, Yen, Yuan, Khaleeji (common currency of oil-producing Gulf states, to be launched in January 2010), Ruble, Real..., managed by a « World Monetary Institute » whose Board will reflect the respective weight of the economies whose currencies comprise the « Global ». You must ask the imf and concerned central banks to prepare this plan for June 2009, with an implementation date of January 1st, 2010. This is the only way for you to regain some control over currently unwinding events, and this is the only way for you to bring about shared global management, based on a shared currency located at the centre of economic and financial activity. According to LEAP/E2020, if this alternative to the currently collapsing system has not been initiated by this summer 2009, proving that there is another solution than the « every man for himself » approach, today’s international system will not survive this summer.

If some of the G20 states think that it is better to maintain the privileges related to the « status quo » as long as possible, they should meditate the fact that, if today they can still significantly influence the future shape of this new global monetary system, once the phase of global geopolitical dislocation has started they will lose any capacity to do so.

2. Set up bank control schemes as soon as possible!

The second recommendation has already been mentioned many times in the preliminary debates to your upcoming summit. It should therefore be easy to adopt. It is about creating, before the end of this year, a scheme of bank control on a global scale, suppressing all the system’s « black holes ». A number of options have already been suggested by your experts. Make up your mind now: nationalize financial institutions as soon as is necessary! It is the only way to prevent a new episode of massive indebtment by them (the kind of episode which significantly contributed to the current crisis), and to show to the general public that you have some credibility to deal with bankers.

3. Get the IMF to assess the US, UK and Swiss financial systems!

The third recommendation relates to a politically sensitive issue, which cannot be ignored. It is essential that, no later than July 2009, the imf presents to the G20 an independent assessment of the three national financial systems at the heart of the current financial crisis: US, UK and Switzerland. No sustainable recommendation can be efficiently implemented as long as no one has any clear understanding of the damage caused by the crisis inside these three pillars of the global financial system. It is no longer time to be polite with the countries located at the centre of the current financial chaos.

Write a simple and short statement!

Finally, please allow us to remind you that your task is to restore confidence among 6 billion people and among millions of public and private organisations. Therefore do not forget to write a short statement – no more than 2 pages, presenting a maximum of 3 to 4 key ideas that non-experts can read and understand. If you fail to do so, no one will read what you have to say apart from a narrow circle of specialists, therefore you will not revive confidence among the general public and the crisis will be doomed to get worse.

If this open letter helps you to feel that History will judge you according to the success or failure of this Summit, then it has been useful. According to LEAP/E2020, your citizens will not wait any longer than a year before they judge you. This time at least, you will not be able to say no one warned you!

Franck Biancheri
Director of studies of LEAP/E2020, www.leap2020.eu
President of Newropeans, www.newropeans.eu

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Steve Jobs第一次的大型Demo

1984年1月24日 Steve Jobs第一次公開展示了麥金塔電腦。科技一直在進步,但是Steve Jobs是同一個,把最新的電子產品的demo搞的像魔術秀一樣的男人。原文出自TechCrunch

1/24/2009是麥金塔電腦的25歲生日。發表的時候定價很貴,而且他的滑鼠介面在當時太新潮反而不受歡迎。 不過他慢慢走過25個年頭,現在大家都可以在百貨公司買到麥金塔了。

128 KB RAM, 64 KB ROM, a 3.5" 400 KB floppy drive, a 1-bit 512 x 342 pixel b&w monitor.

定價?? $2499美金 這在當時是天價。
但是 當時的電腦都是天價.........尤其是用滑鼠的新型介面電腦
所以其實Mac 128k 在當時並不算最貴的產品

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Playstation3 firmware 2.6 Hulu supported

I don't know anyone tried to watch hulu on PS3 many times and it just does not work. A company even create a software call "Playon" to solve this issue and trying to sell it.
After every firmware update I always try to connect to www.hulu.com and the firmware 2.6 is the first one that worked.

I watched some SNL skit. The Hi-def mode is also supported. Just little lag when the control bars shows up. This might suggest that this firmware is still not fully functional for the task and that might be why Sony was quite about this update. They just say divx support and that new picture album.
I think firmware 2.6 is a great update and I hope they keep adding more video content supports.